Thursday, July 16, 2015

Happy Birthday, Tads!

It's been a while since I had a fun day out! Today has been Tads' birthday celebration with me and Jed. It was also the last day of my third term. We had finals earlier and Ma'am Sideno didn't show up on our last day. Anyways, it was raining real hard and I felt kind of lazy to push through with our date. It's fine if it's just Jed and me but Tads would be disappointed if I cancel our commitment just because of the weather. 

It was our first time to use GrabTaxi. We're supposed to try GrabCar since it's cheaper and more private but everybody near our area rejects our request trip from P. Noval to Eastwood. Finally, one taxi driver accepted our request. It was a looooong drive from UST to Eastwood and it was terribly raining. 

When we arrived, we bought tickets for Minions. We chose the 7:50 PM show since we arrived at 5:30. We strolled down at the bazaar and it's surprising to see how low their prices are! Much cheaper than any other tiangge and I'm so going back! We left right away since I was really broke and I only have 200 pesos in my wallet and I didn't want to stress myself even more for not buying the things that I really like. It was depressing enough to stay a little longer and just window shop. 

We proceeded to out next itinerary: Big D's Smokehouse.

Our Start-up Nachos freebie!
For appetizers, we had Nachos. Then, for the main dish, I ordered Open-faced Roastbeef. I didn't have the chance to take a picture of it because I don't really take snapshots of food and I always eat them right away. Theirs was Smoked Soft Bone Ribs. I am not really a big fan of ribs because of its sweet flavor. 

Stage 1 Smoked Soft Bone Ribs

After dinner, we went to the cinemas to watch Minions. The movie was really cute and it's so heart-warming to see those yellow creatures pull your heartstrings. But don't expect anything big because it really isn't much of a biggie.

After the movie, we decided to play bowling. It was really fun!

First time to bowl!
Our scores! Haha
 Finally, it's about time to get going. The ride home was much faster. I got home at 11.

Our birthday present for Tads!

I didn't have any regrets with pushing through our date today despite the weather. Hoping for the next one! 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Two sampals; three or maybe four ayoko nas. And now finally, we broke up. I thought this would give me a relief but just thinking of him makes me want to cry.

Monday, July 6, 2015

I Miss You Everyday

More and more each day..

Friday, April 24, 2015


I am not settling for anything less than everything so it's either you give me all or nothing.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Baked Tahong (Mussels)

  1. Place mussels on a pan with no water, cover and cook over moderate heat. When shells open up, drain. Remove top shell.
  2. Melt butter, add minced garlic. Stir for 3 minutes.
  3. Brush each mussel meat with butter-garlic mixture, top with grated cheese and cover with bread crumbs.
  4. Arrange mussels on a baking sheet.
  5. Bake in pre-heated oven with a low heat (250F).
  6. Bake for 10-15 minutes.

image source:

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Game 2 + Insidious 2 = 4get Me Not!

It was a really fun day with these awesome people! It was Saturday so we had PGC. Dean and Kyvan did not come to school so I was just with Aaron and David. We went to Pacific during our extended break (our prof dismissed us early!) and we watched The Parent Trap. It really is a nice movie, ohh I super love the classics! I got a bruise in my head because the scene was so intense, when the lizard got into Merideth's mouth! Eww! We got late on our next class because of my stupid head. The bruise was so big, I felt like a kid! After class, we watched Game 2 of DLSUST but we lost. So sad! We're really hopeful on the 3rd Game! Then we went to SM North to watch Insidious 2. Unfortunately, we were not able to make it to the 7PM show so we just had the last full show. We ate first at Manang's then Jerome joined us. The movie was so intense! I screamed almost every minute! But it's worth it! We got home at around 1am already! I really love these people!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bang, Bang, I'm In Love NOT

I promised I would fix everything first before involving myself into something. I was fine, perfectly fine. I felt mature in ways I could not even imagine. I let God inside my world again. I started to believe in life again.  I started to live life, again. For the longest time, I became very happy with the people I just met.

So there's this guy. His name is Makoto. I don't know where we stand in each other's lives but we are friends and we are happy like that. Or at least we were. I had this four-week rule and I told myself that if he would be able to get past it, maybe he's the kind of guy i should get serious with.

I met him more than a month ago and it all happened so fast. I never admitted to myself or to anyone that I liked him because I was not sure if there were any feelings involved at all. Maybe I was just curious and interested. Maybe I was enjoying his company. Maybe it was implied already. I don't know. I just don't know. There's one thing I am sure of: there are just two kinds of guys, a boyfriend or a friend. Nothing in between. 

We had our happily ever after but it ended so soon. We had fights and misunderstandings that complicated the situation even more. I cannot expect him to woo me and all because we just met. I know he would not understand but I just have these crazy days that I just feel like I wanna kill everyone. 

I read his tweets and blogs about me getting irritated at him all the time. For me, they don't make any sense at all. Was he informing me indirectly that he is backing off already? Okay? In my defense, I just wanted to make sure that he is gonna see the real me. I just wanted to express my feelings because I did not want to suppress any. I just wanted to feel the most heartfelt assurance that he would be there listening to my rants and that he would be there for me come what may. I just got disappointed because I did not know that's how he sees me. Of course I got offended that's why I unfollowed him on Twitter, intentionally. I didn't know that he was going to notice it. Technology makes the world so small. It also makes our minds narrow. Really. 

With those misunderstandings, many questions bothered me. What if I am not ready yet? What if I haven't recovered from my past life just yet? Is this even worth getting into? I just feel vulnerable knowing that I am letting emotions win over reasoning. 

Last week was the fourth week and I felt like we're growing apart. I am terribly longing for those days to come back, the days when we felt nothing but genuine happiness. They say it is all in the mind. Was it because of my four-week rule? Or was it a sign that we should stop whatever this is because it is not even there to start with?